Why I leaved Bug-Bounty Carrier to become a Python programmer ?
Hii Everyone,
I am actually a Med Student doing MBBS ( the Nobelist course). But having interest in coding I began to BUG-Bounty. But later I realized few things :
When I started to do bug bounty my main aim wasn’t what was my Interest. Bug Bounty was killing my passion to code but Why ?
I realized that I will soon lose my creative mind and in Medical Field we need a mind full at rest to Focus on classes. 😂
My main focus was to find bugs but unfortunate for me the companies still recognizing my PoC were rejecting my Ideas, they are having defined focus I mean if a DB error is outside of scope the defect is not considered.
I started thinking Will I work for no use ?
Does bug bounty means you run behind money and no consideration ro make web a safe place ?
All this factor and lose of interest and most IMP loss of time was forcing me to leave this but what will i choose then stroke an Idea in my mind.
I started learning PYTHON and it was very cool !!
I completed Py in 2 days ( Not Joking)
I moved to Flask as my prime aim was to complete web development before my exams ( after 1 month) so it was over in 4 days but I couldn’t grab advanced concepts.
I will after this post write a post on what to choose between Flask and Django based on your requirements so stay tuned…
So this ended with fine results and I focused mainly on telegram bot development python project.
I am now in a better state, I learned to learn for myself to teach myself, I am very glad to choose something which will last with me till my life.
As far as earnings is concerned I wasn’t focusing that but my bots went viral and I had made fine with it even without any wish for that.
Hope You Enjoy reading
Last words to my newbies programmers that if you are a good bug finder then do it, or else life is full of opportunities for minds like you.